Tuesday, March 6, 2007


This week I am getting a lot accomplished, but I am sick! I was suppose to have taken over a maternity leave today, but I have an icky stomach virus. Needless to say it is not a lot of fun. I'll start that tomorrow. I'll only have a two day week as well since Friday is a teacher workday. No complaints here!

On a bright and sparkly note, wedding plans are starting to come together. Took care of the cake business last night, so a big CHECK there. Flowers are being taken care of, CHECK! Going to drop Chloe's check in the mail tomorrow for the invitations. Dad and I have a consultation with the picture guy Thursday afternoon, and Linda and I are going to get a dress on Saturday. Dad is taking care of the Rehearsal dinner so that is one less thing for me to do. So now I'm down to looking for a caterer and some candelabra's for the sanctuary. Of course there are the small things for the reception that have to be taken care of like utensil's and things, but we'll wait on those for a bit. I'm just glad things are falling into place. I don't feel as stressed out anymore. Don't get me wrong, I am still plenty stressed it just isn't as bad. Now I just need to find a pianist. You'd think that being a music major I'd know plenty of them, but I really don't. So gotta check on that.

Now if only I could shake this bug I'd being doing perfectly!


Unknown said...

Oh no, being sick sucks! I hope you feel better soon.

Glad you are getting lots done for the wedding - I can't wait for it! I've started working on your invites and will be ordering all of your supplies for them in a few days. Proof will be over to you soon.

My bridesmaid dress is so adorable - what color shoes you want us to wear?

Mwah x

FluteLoop said...

Yay! I can't wait to get the invitations! The money for them is in the mail as I type, so you'll have that either tomorrow or Fri.