Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kalevala Day

Today is Kalevala Day here in Finland. The Kalevala is the National Epic (poem) of Finland. I have a copy of the book in English back in NC, and I have to admit that I have never read it. I will get around to it though (I promise, Kai). It seems to be a big deal for the Finnish people. In honor of Kalevala day my homework for the weekend has been 5 pages worth of work about it. Wikipedia has a nice little write up about it on their page if anyone is interested.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I think I might just pull out my hair!

These are just a few examples of what has been driving me mad for the past 5 months. These links I am posting are what I was working on in my MediaTech class yesterday. Fun Stuff!!!

If you click on Käy nyt teksti läpi jakso kerrallaan ja vastaa tämän jälkeen monivalintatehtäviin after reading the above, you will be taken to the work page that we had to do after reading the story. There is even listening to go along with it if you want to hear how the spoken language sounds. It really just sounds like gibberish, but these crazy people understand one another!!$40zkuq7icpx9l5vntf5z/lesson/index.nvl?0.task=1026$11a6g4xqpdgqugf9j9qw/lesson/index.nvl?0.task=725

Cheers! :-)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where can she be?

I have been such a bad blogger here of late, and I sincerely apologize. I have been quite overwhelmed lately by my new course (Finnish Level 3) and work here at home. I do promise to be back more frequently after this coming weekend. Things should be more settled in my world by then!!
