Sunday, February 11, 2007

So much to do!!

I will be so glad when everything is changed over into my NEW name! Especially things at the S.S. Office, that way the hubby will leave me alone! He complains and complains...I explain does no good...I explain some more...does no good...and he gets on my nerves and finally I get mad!!! GRRR! Aside from him just getting on my nerves, there is so much that has to be changed. Hopefully he'll have me another copy of our marriage certificate soon so that I can finish changing things. The other one got sent to Philadelphia with my application for a new passport. I don't think I can stand not working for another 6-8 weeks while my passport app. is being processed so that certificate had better get here fast.


Unknown said...

sweetie, you know you can just photocopy your marriage certificate right?

We don't even have an original and no ones complained about having a copy yet!

FluteLoop said...

Yes, but for use in the States mine has to be notarized in Finland. So Kai went and got another one today and dropped it in the mail. I should have it in a week.