Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cloud Nine!

I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders! Yesterday I got my name changed at the Social Security office and at the bank. I even ordered myself a new box of checks with puppies on them! Ha ha, and the people at the S.S. office just loved me! They had a field day with my foreign marriage certificate! I think I spent more time waiting at the window for them to help me then I did in the waiting room! Now I just need to get my info. with the school system changed and I'll be back in business! That is on tomorrow's agenda. The only thing that could make this day better is my computer letting me sign into blogger! That way I wouldn't have to use my brothers! Oh can't have it all!


FluteLoop said...
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Unknown said...

Congratulations! I remember the tedious name change process after I got married. And they wonder why some women insist on keeping their maiden names...