Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Finally settled for the day!!

I thought I was going to have to beat up some BIG men today over some Valentine's Day chocolate! Dad's g/f called and is really sick with that bad virus that is going around. She tried calling Dad and couldn't get him so she called me instead. Her son had an accident a few months ago and can't drive but needed some Valentine's Day stuff for a girl. So I volunteered since she does a lot for me. He needed on single rose and a box of chocolate. The rose was easy!! The chocolate was not!! No one here in town had any chocolate. So I had to drive down to R'ham and go to Wally World. Well, there wasn't a lot of chocolate left there, but there was a lot of big men doing some last minute shopping. I had to squeeze my way between them and they kept trying to push me out of the way! Excuse me?!? I am not that big. So I fought my way to the chocolate and finally got some! I delivered the said gifts, and now I have made it home to chat with my hubby! How understanding he is!!

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