Have you ever had one of those days where you just knew you'd end up having an aneurysm before bedtime? Really? Me too! The past two days have been exactly like that. The reason: my student loan! You see I pay it online because I am not in the U.S. It just makes it so much easier. I don't have to worry about getting out the little payment book, tearing out correct payment page, writing a check, remembering to write my account number on the check, finding a stamp and envelope, and dropping the bugger in the mail. I just don't have to worry with those little triffles. So when Monday rolled around I sat down at the computer first thing and found the loan site and logged in. So far, so good. With a click of the mouse I went to the 'make a payment' page. Still good. I see that all of my info. is still there so I just type in the amount I want to pay. Then I click on 'next'. We are still on the right track at this point, the end of my session is just two clicks away. I am on the verify page and everything looks to be in order, so I click 'submit payment'. The very next page then notifies me that we are no longer doing good. It reads: Unable To Process Your Change....(Error 2005). Well, what is that suppose to mean? There wasn't any change to process! At that point I try about 10 more times to make my payment, but I kept coming back to that same screen over and over again. I'm sure that by the 5th time it was mocking me.
What do I do? I go to bed (I also grumble to my sick husband who could really care less).
Tuesday rolls around and I hop on the computer and go to pay my loan, or so I thought. I log onto the site, I make my clicks, I get to the 'submit payment' click hoping that this time I will succeed, and what do I get for all of my troubles?
The least they could have done was given me a message that read, "SORRY we are unable to process your change....Not even a sorry!!!
At this point I lookup the customer service number and call them. This normally toll-free call was not free because I am not in the U.S. Lovely, just something else that I have to pay for, right? Anyway, I call and the nice woman I speak to informs me that they have been having trouble with their site, and that is should be back up and running sometime that day. She also informs me that there is a 14 day grace period (when did these people start giving grace periods), and that I am actually a whole year ahead on paying my loan back. That translated into, "Even if you don't have your payment to us on time, there is no need to worry. You can quit pulling out your hair and know that you will not be having that aneurysm that you were so looking forward to. You are ahead on your bill. Good for you Stacy, have a cookie!"
So today rolled around and I skipped over to the computer with a goofy looking grin on my face, I logged into the site, made all of the appropriate clicks, and my bill was paid! I think I deserve another cookie!
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