Thursday, August 2, 2007

Welcome to Finland!

That's what the lady at the Immigration Police department told me after we handed over some more paperwork and money today. It went a lot smoother than the hubby and I were expecting. She said that since the process had started I do not have to leave the country. We have to call back in 3 months though. Probably have to go back to see them again as well. She did say that at most my processing should take 6 months. So I guess we'll see. She also told me not to tell anyone that I am from the US because they'll speak English to me. She told the hubby that he needs to speak Finnish around me and not English, and he is taking her pretty seriously! He has notified me that tomorrow he will be speaking to me in Finnish. What have I gotten myself into?!? LOL! Not that I mind (completely), because I do want to learn the language as much as I can, but wow! Suddenly turning Finnish on me after all this time? The hubby has informed me though that if I don't understand something and continually look at him like a deer caught in headlights that he will explain to me what he is saying in English. Good for him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't worry, I'll be here to email you in English!!!