Thursday, August 30, 2007

Can't wait to move!!!

Why? Mostly because there are boxes piling up, and as soon as I get something packed I am going to want to use it. Seriously we have boxes piled up to the ceiling in the bedroom on one side, and my suitcases, a table, and another box blocking the window on the other side of the room. It is moving madness! I am happy to announce that the hubby says that the job of decorating the new place will be solely my job. What more can a girl ask for? It'll be my influence everywhere!

Boxes in the bedroom where we cannot
open the door all the way

Boxes in the living room waiting to be packed!

You'd think we were chain smokers with all of the boxes that we have. There are Marlboro's, Pall Mall's, Belmont Red's, etc. boxes everywhere! It is also turning cold already and guess who has already packed all of her warmest clothes for the move? Yup, that's right, I am going to freeze. Last night it was 40 degrees outside and I crowded the hubby in bed. When he'd move, I'd move closer to him! The problem is I don't know which box the warm clothes are it. Good luck there Stacy!


Libby said...

Best of luck with the move! I hope you're unpacking those warm clothes soon. :)

Unknown said...

Oh, moving is such an internal conflict! The excitement of a new place combined with the dreaded packing, actually moving, and unpacking! Good luck! :)

Unknown said...

wow, you really are ready to move!!

FluteLoop said...

If only we were moving tomorrow!! But I still have a couple of weeks to wait. And it is cold! It was 40 degrees last night...I must dig out the warm clothes!