Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bound and Determined!

The hubby and I plan to be at Helsinki University first thing when registration day rolls around for January classes. We are going to enroll me in the Finnish for Foreigners class. Apparently this class gets filled quickly (we went by the University and asked) so we plan to be there bright and early. I'll camp out if I have to!!! In the meantime, the hubby and I have found a book that he approves of to help me along the way while I am attempting to self-teach myself. It is entitled From Start to Finnish. This by no means will make me fluent in Finnish. However, it is a good start and the hubby thinks that it will be helpful. So far I have gone over the first two lessons in the book. There are forty lessons total. The book has practice work at the end of every lesson which is a plus I think. The hubby seems to like to test me as well by asking me questions about what I have been over. I think with enough drilling some of this information might actually sink in. The author of the book explains things very well, and it actually makes more sense when I can see phrases and how they are put together instead of just listening to them and trying to catch on. I even bought myself a handy-dandy little notebook to practice writing words and phrases in Finnish. My next goal is to purchase some index cards and make myself flashcards. Seriously, I would really like to be able to understand basic questions and phrases while interacting with people in public. I am all for foreigner trying to learn the English language when they move to the U.S., so I expect myself to try and do the same while living abroad. It only seems fair. Besides when I decide to have children there will be no speaking to Mommy in one language and then talking about her in another! Lol!

The new book + my handy, dandy notebook!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

From Start to Finnish?! I'm glad to hear that the USA isn't the only place with cheesy book names! :) Good to know that your hubby approves of the content and thinks it will help you become a non-native speaker! Good luck!