Sunday, April 29, 2007

I did good, they did good, we all did Great!

The shower went well yesterday. I got tons of stuff. Most of it wasn't on my registry but all of it was stuff that can be used a lot. Lots of corningware, pyrex, and towels, 2 coffee makers, a toaster oven, dishes, and a bible. If nothing else we'll have stuff to cook with and take showers with. We'll be fat, happy, and smell good! Can't beat that, right? Lol. I did get a place setting of my fine china and a creamer and sugar bowl. They are too cute!! I love them.

Now if my photograher will just get my Bridal pics posted on his website I can look at them and decide which ones I want!


Unknown said...

told you, told you!!!

FluteLoop said...

What's funny is that Linda drove all over the state of NC looking for my china pattern all that morning and afternoon! I think I'm going to have to order the rest! I'm happy though because I got some!!!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! Aren't showers fun?

FluteLoop said...

I just ordered another place setting a couple of days ago. I just got an e-mail from Belk saying that it has been shipped! I'm excited!