Monday, October 8, 2007

The doctor says...

Stacy has Bursitis. He gave me a horrible, horrible shot today too! I HATE needles! I hope that this takes care of the problem. I really don't want to go back in a week to have another shot if it doesn't. I mean first of all, when I heard the word shot come out of the doctors mouth I thought about just sprinting out of the office. I really have a fear of needles. Secondly, I thought I could use a shot but not the kind that he was about to give me!!! I also did not like having to drop my pants in front of some foreign person I don't know so that they could stab me in the hip! Yeah, yeah he is a doctor and it was all professional, but it just wasn't comfortable. It was sort of comforting to know that my husband was right outside the door, but not a lot. And that needle...well it was big and got bigger every time it got closer to me!!! I am such a big baby. It also seemed to take forever for him to finish giving me the shot. Apparently he put a lot of cortizone into my hip. The easy part was when he gave me a prescription for 875mg Clavurion (amoxicillin) to take twice a day. Easy Peasy. At least I made it through the visit! Point for me. I probably won't even remember all of this in a couple of days, so really it wasn't that bad was it? Yeah it was, but when I start feeling better it will have been worth it.


Unknown said...

Sweetie, if you hate needles, don't ever get pregnant! They stuck a needle in my arm for a good 10 minutes to take serious amounts of blood from me. Wasn't fun!

I'm sorry you are sick my dear, hope you feel better soon. GO get in that sauna!

FluteLoop said...

As much as I hate needles, having blood drawn from my arm doesn't bother me. It is having them put other places. Weird, I know.

Unknown said...

I feel for you! I am so afraid of needles that I went "natural" with Sweet Son #1. No epidural for me. The Manimal was a different story, but the epi came so late that I had the pain of labor AND the pain of the needle. Whenever I have a blood draw, I have to turn my head. Ugh! Hope the meds work!