Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bank Card

A couple of weeks ago I went to the Op Bank and set up and account with the help of my husband. A few days ago I finally got my brand new Visa Electron bank card, and I was really excited over it. I somehow felt like more of an adult if that is possible. It is really cute so I thought that I would share it with you, that and I am just so darn excited about getting it!

I know it isn't the best quality picture, but you can still see the card pretty well. Also you will notice that I am technologically challenged and are not "computer savy" one little bit, so I had no idea how to edit out my card number. So I stuck with what I did know and that is how to use post-it notes! They did the job just as well. Anyway there she is in all her glory (minus my digits). My bank card! Now if I can just keep money in both my U.S. account as well as my Finnish account then I will be doing well for myself!

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