Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

I went with my Grandmother yesterday to put some new flowers on my Grandpa's grave yesterday, and I was saddened by how many graves were there that had no flowers on them. It made me wonder if any children ever came around to see their parents' or grandparent's graves. Not that they are actually there anymore, but just the sentiment seems important to me. So we took and put some nice new blue and white flowers out there, and they looked very nice. Grandma was happy, therefore I was happy as well.

I also got my Dad (the one who has been trying to kill me with the bike) a card from my brother and I, and one from the cats as well. I got Dad a $25 giftcard from Lowe's so that he can buy himself another little gadget to go along with his baby (huge air compressor), and Adam got him a giftcard from Wal-mart. Needless to say, Dad is happy because he can buy himself stuff that he really wants. When Dad and Grandma are happy, everyone lets out a sigh of relief!

This morning I also told Kai Happy Father's Day. There are no little Lilja's in sight, but I thought I would practice!! I honestly think he is ready for kiddies at anytime. Me? Well, I'd like to wait awhile. I like the married life, so I want to try it for a while, then the mini-me's can come at a later date and time. He thought it was cute though that I told him HFD...I guess he wasn't expecting it! Anyway, today I just seem to be rambling...I am going to find something constructive to do.

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