Sunday, September 16, 2007

So much going on with nothing to say

So tomorrow we begin making the move to our new apartment. We have been so busy doing things this week that I am wore out. To top it off the hubby had to work from 7-3 yesterday and then had to go back into work at 2am. He gets off in about an hour. Luckily he gets paid well for it. Aside from that I haven't done anything worth really blogging about, and I haven't really seen anything worth blogging about. I've been getting my usual e-mails from JCrew and AT Loft, but they don't have them on this side of the Atlantic (at least here in FI) and they don't ship to Finland. So I am a little disheartened at that. I was on their site this week looking at loads of stuff thinking to myself, "I'd like to have that," but I can't get it!! How disappointing. On a bright note, I'll have some pictures of the new apt. to post by the end of the week and can give you all a tour of the new pad!

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