Sunday, March 21, 2010


One of the blogs that I read pretty often, Confessions of a Pioneer Woman, is absolutely, positively fabulous. If you haven't checked it out then you must head there right now and not leave until you've read every inch of this site! OK...maybe that is pushing things a bit, but you should definitely check it out. The Blogger is a woman by the name of Ree Drummond who went from being a city girl to a complete country gal. She wrote about her MAJOR life changes on her blog and entitled it Black Heels to Tractor Wheels (must read!), which is (eventually going to be published) now going to be made into a movie. Saying that I am excited about this would be the understatement of the day, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that Reese Witherspoon will indeed want to be tied to this project. Of course it won't be out for quite a while, but I was just too excited not to share the news. Which now that I think about it I hope that I am allowed to share. She has it on her blog of course, but then again it is all about her isn't it. I am just an overly excited fan!! Go check out her site and experience the fabulousness that is Ree!!

Oh yeah, buy her cookbook too! It is on my 'I'll get around to it real soon' list!! There is only so much stress I can put my husband's credit card under! :-)

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