Sunday, January 9, 2011

need. good. sleep!

I am a lover of all things sleep related. My bed, my pj's, pillows, and actual SLEEP. Lately I haven't been getting good Z's and it is due to being pregnant. Seems like the moment I decide to go to bed, have a nap, or try to relax some little person decides it is time to kick the crud out of me. Now I know this is not her fault, she can't help it that the hours between 10pm and 4am are not an opportune time for sleep, but man do I miss a full night's rest. And we still have 17 weeks left to go before she actually comes into the world and everyone's sleep is disrupted for a few months. And I am looking forward to it. Well...the coming into this world part, not the months of disrupted sleep part (and I don't know what to think about becoming someones personal vending machine!). So I just keep telling myself that eventually I will sleep again. And well! I'm not the first to have this experience and I certainly won't be the last. So now I am going to go try to take a nap!

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