Saturday, November 27, 2010

very thankful

Kai and I had a nice little Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. It isn't a holiday celebrated here for obvious reasons, but Kai likes to celebrate American holidays with me (esp. ones involving awesome food)! This year we have been blessed and I have so much to be thankful for. I've had my työharjoitelu at the päiväkoti, Kai has a good job, we're getting a huge new apartment in January and we'll be adding a new addition to the McCaskill/Lilja family in May. So many new and exciting things going on. And I am always thankful for my amazing family and friends.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the apartment, and new addition?! Am I jumping to the right conclusion here? :)

FluteLoop said...

Thanks! Yes, this addition will be of the Finnish/American variety. Although there is soon to be one of the 4 legged/furry kind as well. :)

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you and Kai! Such a wonderful Christmas announcement for your families. :) Enjoy your pregnancy and remember it will end in a beautiful little addition! :)