Sunday, April 25, 2010


Tomorrow I begin my työharjoittelu (internship) at Päiväkoti Virkkula (Daycare/Playschool Virkkula). I will be with eight children, the youngest being 1.5 years and the oldest being 3.5 years. This is somehow supposed to help me speak the language better and give me experience working here in Finland. I REALLY hope that things go well. The guy that I will be working with speaks some English, and he says that he understands everything I say but doesn't speak very well. Of course that is more than I can say for myself, not only do I speak poorly, I also do not understand everything that I hear. I'm sure I will learn something valuable from this experience and I am halfway looking forward to it. I'm sure I will be posting plenty of updates since this is what I will be doing until June 4th!! That's right, six whole weeks of being immersed in children's Finnish! Good luck me!

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