Saturday, October 31, 2009

Put On Those Walking Shoes

Sometimes I exercise and sometimes I don't. That's just how I am. My biggest problem is motivation and it probably always will be. I complain about my size and the hubby always tells me to do something about it, so I am going to give it (another) try. I just signed up on a site called Walker Tracker. It does pretty much what is says, it tracks how far you walk. It also keeps up with all of the info. that you plug into it and makes a graph of your progress. I don't know if I will accomplish anything by using this site, but I have a little pedometer and figured I might as well use it. I mean it can't hurt to try, right? You can also check out how other walkers are doing and they will help you motivate yourself as well. So here goes nothing. The site is free, and there is nothing to lose (except for a few pounds, I hope)!


Happy Halloween!!

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