Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just A Little Wet

It is the 22nd of March, and the snow here is finally beginning to melt. Slowly! It was nice to have around for a few months, but I am not sad to see it go. To be quite honest I am just ready to begin wearing sneakers again. My winter boots are not so bad, but there is only so long that you want to traipse around in them. The only downside to the melting snow is that it gets everything wet. And what does the water do? It gets the bottom of my pants wet, and I absolutely cannot stand it. Especially since the custom here (all year round) is to remove your shoes at the door when you enter someones home. Who enjoys walking around stepping on wet pants!!?? I am looking forward to the day when I will be able to enter a store and purchase a pair of jeans that are the perfect length. Until then...

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