Monday, November 19, 2007


The stuff is pure heaven in a jar! I had never ever tried it until yesterday. It just happened to be a spontaneous buy. The hubby happened to mention how much he liked it so I said I would like to try it. Now I am in love! He told me that we can't buy it very often though, sniffle. Anyway, I made some yummy homemade brownies this evening with almonds in them. For our evening snack we ate a couple of them and put nutella on them. I don't think I will ever be able to eat a plain brownie again!!! Yum! If I keep this up I'll have to start exercising like a mad woman.


Libby said...

Oh, I know the feeling! Hubby and I lived in the Netherlands for three months and I had nutella on toast almost every morning... so good!

Unknown said...

Oh yes, Nutella is a DANGEROUS thing to have in one's pantry...