Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Novel Idea

I love having a dish drying cabinet. At home in the US I did not have a dishwasher and I do not have one here either. So when I did the dishes they would be put into a drainer that sat on the countertop taking up room. When I knew company would be dropping by I would have to dry the dishes and put them in their respective cabinets. Since moving to Finland I have had the pleasure of just not having to worry with drainers that take up counter space, putting dishes up out of sight, or any such (albeit small) annoyances. Here I have a cabinet over the sink that I just put the dishes in as I rinse. They drip dry into the sink and I don't have to put them in their proper cabinets until I feel like it. Now that I have a smaller kitchen it is nice to have the extra work space. Although, a dishwasher would be nice!!! Beggers can't be choosers though and I love my cabinet!!

Cabinet with the door open.

1 comment:

Berkeley Mich said...

Hey.. I am looking for a place to buy a dish-drying cabinet for my new kitchen and yours looks exactly what I am looking for.... Do you have any idea of where I can buy one?