Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ok...well, not all of my pictures would load on here, but I tried my best. I might retake a few of them later. Like I said before, our apartment is rather small. Unfortunately the pictures make it look smaller than it really is. I hate that the picture I took of my huge picture window didn't take. Also the picture as you come into the apartment didn't take very well either. Anyway, here is a little bit of the new place. I'll take some outdoorsie pictures this week!!

The bookcase as you come through the second entrance door.

One picture of the bathroom.

Another picture of the bathroom

A picture from the second entrance door looking
towards the front door.

The hubby's comic book storage shelf above the
stand as you come into the apartment. The stand
below it is great for putting our hats and scraves,
umbrellas and shoes on! I really like it!

A view of the kitchen

my kitchen cubby

The refrigerator works better right outside the
kitchen, so that is where it is. Our table is on the
otherside of the kitchen door.

Our bed cubby with the hubby's other bookcase
and his fan and my reading light...sorry for the
horribly, rushed bed making job!
My bookshelf over the bed
The tv that is still without a tv table. The one
at the other apartment belonged to my BIL.

I took a picture of our desk area and huge window but they just wouldn't load. Stupid blogger! Anywho, that is just a mini-tour. I am really enjoying being here, and the hubby is happy if I am happy!

1 comment:

Libby said...

Your new place looks cute as a button! And it appears to have loads of two of the most important things: 1) sunlight, and 2) space for books! Add in that amazing deal with the sauna and I would say you've got one of the best pads in all of Finland!