Saturday, February 10, 2007


What is it about having to clean that men just do not get! Not all of them mind you, but ones like my Brother have problems with these things. Now my computer is here in my brother's room (my old room) so that I can use the wireless internet. A week ago you couldn't see the floor. You had to say a prayer, get a good running start, and leap across the room to where my computer sits! Tonight I finished cleaning my brothers room just so I could share it (at least my computer shares it). I honestly just couldn't sit here amongst all of the clutter and play on the computer. I had a constant frown! The room is back in order, but I am sure it won't stay that way long unless I keep on top of things!!

I just don't understand why it is so difficult to put dirty clothes in the hamper. It was right there beside the mound of the clothes that were laying on the floor. With a little extra effort the lid could have been lifted and the clothes could have been dropped in! Old receipts were everywhere, mail everywhere, just everything everywhere! I also washed my (very capable) brothers clothes, and I kid you not, he has more than I do. To top it off he has more shoes than I do as well! For the past week I have felt like a maid, but I feel like I have accomplished something. Lol, come to think of it I should have taken before and after pics.

You see, I don't have this problem with the hubby. He likes cleaning. He likes living in a clean apt. I can't wait to get back to it! I think tomorrow I will teach my brother how to use a broom and dustpan. We're going to be taking babystep!!

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