Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Do and a Pesky Webcam

My new toy came with a handy dandy webcam. As you can see from the pictures below I am not very adept at using it. I went and had my hair chopped off today and decided to use the webcam to take pictures of it. I never seem to remember to take before pictures, but here are the afters. The before was my hair about an inch and a half below my shoulders. I must also add that my hair looked a lot better after she did it, but I had to wear a hat when I went to the store and back home again, so it doesn't have as much body and bounce as it did when I left the salon.

Here I am not even remotely looking at the camera. I am sure I didn't think that it was in the opposite direction, but there ya go. And I seem to be at an angle. Take #1.

Here I am looking at the camera but my eyes look off. I take horrible pictures. Something in them always looks fake. It is either the smile, the eyes or both.

And this was the last attempt at trying to take a good picture. At least I don't have one shoulder hiked up above the other. Something still feels a bit off to me though...

Anyway, that is the new hair, or what was left of it when I finally made it home almost 2 hours later!! :-)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Newbie

This is my new baby. Second in my heart only to my flute.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Toy!

Kai bought me a mini-laptop for Valentine's Day and I love it! I will have to post pics later since I now have camera batteries! :-) Apparently, having this new toy will allow Kai to play his games more on the desktop. Oh and he also can watch his shows whenever I just want to play online. Not that I am complaining, the little bugger really has been coming in handy. He REALLY likes playing his games!! Somehow I think this was just as much a gift for him as it was for me!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Stacy vs. Patch of Ice

Needless to say the ice won the battle and I have been sore for 2 days now!! You don't mess with Mother Nature! Nope. Not one little bit. I have the bruises to prove it, however I will not be posting them as they are not in appropriate places. To top things off, Kai was with me because we were going to the movies to see Sherlock Holmes (which you must see if you haven't already) and he didn't even notice that I fell. He decided to turn around when he realized I'd gone quiet. To give him credit he did laugh, help me up, and brush me off. In that order! On a related note, we will not be getting more snow until next week. Ah...Finland!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


and plenty of it!

Sorry kids! You need to wait a few months before you can play on the toys again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

It has been a harsh week thus far. Next week can't come soon enough...